a cash based only integrative clinic empowering people to optimize their health.

Powerful peptide: Glutathione

Men’s Health – Peptide Therapy – Weight Loss Management – Telehealth

Glutathione is a tripeptide composed of 3 amino acids: cysteine, L-glutamic acid and glycine. As we get older our natural occurring levels get depleted. Levels can also be affected when we are under a lot of stress, when we get sick and are trying to fight infections, or can also decrease if we consume a poor diet primarily of junk food. This powerful antioxidant is ideal for both men and women for its detoxing and anti-aging properties as it provides critical roles in our body.

Key Benefits

  • Anti-aging properties: it’s a powerful antioxidant produced in the body by enzymatic reactions that are naturally occurring. It helps repair cells damaged by pollution, stress and other  xenobiotic substances, such as exposure to cosmetics, drugs, pesticides, and overall environmental pollutants.
  • Increases metabolic detoxification
  • Increases insulin sensitivity
  • Helps boost your immune system
  • Detoxifies liver
  • Anti-inflammatory properties, studies show benefits in inflammation on conditions of the intestine such as people with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease.
  • Improves energy-helps athletes bounce back faster from workouts!
  • Promotes brain health-optimizing the ability so you can think and focus
  • Has been studied with people who have vascular disease showing a decrease in leg pain with walking.

Food sources with high glutathione: 

 Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Radish
Most people tolerate Glutathione without issues, side effects are rare. Potential common Glutathione side effects include but are not limited to: upset stomach, mild diarrhea/nausea, pain at the injection site, swelling, headache and allergic reaction. Consult with a provider before getting injections.
